Currently the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural
Affairs is consulting on a Northern Ireland climate change bill,
not a deep and meaningful consultation on the details of
such a bill but merely on a broad-brush outline.
The discussion document suggests that Northern Ireland’s GHG emissions are relatively small at 4.3% of UK emissions, this assertion however ignores the fact that Northern Ireland population is 3% of the UK total. In fact per head of population Northern Ireland’s emissions are nearly 50% higher than our UK counterparts. Taking responsibility to address the causes of anthropogenic climate change will not be served by trying to make a case that we should be excused due to population size. The challenge is not that we should do less than others but that we should do more than others.
The discussion document presents two options regarding the introduction of Northern Ireland specific climate change legislation.
Option 1: Northern Ireland Climate Change Bill setting interim emission reduction targets and a long-term target of Net Zero emissions in Northern Ireland by 2050 (long term target does not consider expert climate change advice); and
Option 2: Northern Ireland Climate Change Bill setting interim emission reduction targets and a long-term target for Northern Ireland by 2050, the long-term target is an equitable contribution to achieving UK-wide Net Zero by 2050 (long term target considers expert climate change advice)
It seems strange that the
development of a climate change bill is delayed in order to publicly consult on
these two options.
Obviously the quickly changing
environment where knowledge about the impact of climate change is becoming
clear it seems only rational that going forward consideration of the best
available scientific evidence on mitigation, greenhouse gas reduction and
potential impacts leads to the conclusion that option two is the easy choice. That
is until one reads in detail the differences between the two options where the
Department makes it clear as a priority that the independent expert advice and
evidence will include consideration of the likely capability of Northern
Ireland to meet that particular target due to its unique local characteristics/profile
and it is clear that Northern Ireland’s focus will be on avoiding taking any
difficult decisions as part of our responsibilities to address climate change.
We have had some insight into the
approach that will be taken by some politicians, in the recent debate on
ammonia levels in Northern Ireland it was made clear that addressing serious
environmental concerns would not be allowed to interfere with the financial
well-being and growth of the major agri-food sector.
We live in a very well-developed
society with all the benefits of a welfare state, a robust education system and
potentially a flexible economy. We are not in the front line in dealing with
the consequences of climate change immediately but we are in the frontline of
causing consequences elsewhere. We can change our impact on the environment by
changing our activity, it will not be easy, it may not be cheap, but we are
better placed than many others.
Consider a family subsistence
farming in Bangladesh, they face and currently suffer from rising sea levels,
tides, which progressively cover their land which leave the ground salted and dead.
The freshwater rivers are progressively suffering from salination, their wells
are becoming undrinkable and like millions of others displacement becomes their
only hope for survival. They did not cause the problem but they are among the 1st
to suffer the consequences of anthropogenic climate change. Our
responsibilities stretch far beyond our shores and in the discussion on climate
change and our responsibilities we must understand what the impact is of our
actions globally not just locally. We must be better citizens of the world and
less selfish about not sharing the burdens that will face us all.
The consultation paper also talks
about the action the government departments can take to address climate change
and example they give is flood defences. Given that we face a future where the
melting of the Greenland ice sheet would on its own raise sea levels by 7 m the
fact that our government considers that building flood defences is the
strategic way forward raises grave concerns that they have not yet understood
the scale of the issues that face the planet let alone Northern Ireland. A
forward thinking, strategic planning administration would consider all elements
of our infrastructure and ensure that progressively we move as much as possible
out of danger. It doesn’t require massive new investment but a better
understanding of how we can use future investment to reduce risk.
There are many simple actions
that can be taken to help society change, actions which help people change behaviour,
ensuring every new domestic property has an accessible EV charging point will
add nothing to the bill cost but will make it easier for people to make the
change to using electric vehicles. We could provide grants to support the
replacement of oil-fired boilers with air source heat pumps and ending grant support
for those heat systems which contribute to the problem rather than the solution.
There are many others and all it requires is a will to change, quickly in
recognition that the earlier the action the greater the impact.
The consultation paper discusses
the need for public bodies to report on their actions to mitigate climate
change. The paper outlines the departments thinking “the departments view would
be that it would be disproportionately onerous to place a reporting duty on all
of them”. This is one of those issues which has infected Northern Ireland
society for many years, nobody is accountable, again down to the argument “the
particular circumstances of Northern Ireland”. It’s disproportionately onerous
if due to the actions of those living in an advanced society halfway across the
world your farmland is flooded with seawater, your well is too salty to drink,
your home is underwater and you and your family must pack up your meagre
possessions and trek many miles possibly to a refugee camp. It is not
disproportionately onerous to fill out a form.
If this consultation is anything
more than what appears to be, a simple exercise to delay taking any action,
then the views that underpin the meagre thoughts within it have no place in developing
a robust and sustainable response to the challenges of anthropogenic climate
change. It rests, possibly unfortunately, with all of our politicians to grasp
the challenge that faces us and develop, promptly, the actions which will make
a difference not just to those in other parts of the world now but those future
generations in Northern Ireland who need us to act with conviction and